Bringing together people, environment and development.

Llama Pack Project works to recover traditional uses and breeding of carrier llamas as a tool for sustainable rural development and conservation of Andean mountain ecosystems in the Sacred Valley of the Incas highlands.

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Faculty-led and service learning programs are available for study group travelers to participate and learn through hands-on activities with the Llama Pack Project members and staff.

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You may visit our areas of action and meet members of the Local Guild of Llama Breeders and their llamas making a difference in local people’s lives and our environment.

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With your contribution our team will achieve specific short term goals as listed on this section. All contributions make a great difference in local lives and the efforts of the Llama Pack Project. 

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Areas of Action

Sustainable Development

Environmental Conservation

Healthy Llama Breeding

Llama Pack Project facilitates the inclusion of high-Andean communities in the growing tourism industry of the area so they can aim for long-term sustainable development. This is achieved by providing skill-building workshops, promoting inter-community networking and providing an innovative Llama Trek service designed with the participation of community members. All these tools will allow a higher hiring rate from all agencies that operate in the area. The aim is to improve families’ quality of life by generating an alternative source of income and supporting development of other important social aspects through our project programs.

Llama Pack Project seeks to generate environmental awareness amongst community members and to protect the fragile high-Andean ecosystems, water source of the communities and the Sacred Valley towns. Llamas are indigenous animals perfectly adapted to pack labor in high altitudes and mountain trails, unlike foreign introduced horses, donkeys and mules, whose use results in trail erosion and ecosystem degradation. We aim to recover and maintain ancestral trails and native forests by facilitating the transition for agencies to be able to hire the service of native eco-friendly pack llamas from local community members.

Llama Pack Project helps impoverished families mobilize their camelid resources in innovate ways, which are both ecologically sustainable and currently under-valued. Llama Pack seeks to implement a model project of best practices in breeding so that the community can learn from it. The aim is to recover the pure breed llama which is an amazingly resistant animal easily adaptable to different altitudes. Its impressive size (Average 2 meters high and 150 kg weight) and load capacity (average 45 kg.) will provide a new family income that will compete with horses and donkeys, in order to replace them in time.


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