
Your donation contributes to the continuity of our capacity-building training programs and provide grants for community members to be able to participate on a rotation basis in our three main programs: Healthy Llama Breeding, Education for Conservation and Sustainable Tourism. We also have specific causes linked to specific problematics which you may support and learn about below.

Tax Deductible Donations for USA and UK

Donations may be received worldwide. USA and UK donations are tax deductible.

Important: When using the GlobalGiving platform you may choose to switch off the ‘Add an optional donation to GlobalGiving to amplify my impact’ if you would like your full donation to go to our cause.


Direct Donations (Non tax deductible)

Direct donations may be transferred directly to the Llama Pack Project bank account in Peru to reduce processing fees. This is recommended if you do not need a tax-deductible certificate. To submit your donation please e-mail to request international wire transfer bank account information. Thank you!

Tax Deductible Donations for Peru

This is recommended if you are based in Peru or have a Peruvian-based business and require a tax-deductible certificate. To submit your donation please e-mail to request the Llama Pack Project bank account information. Thank you!

Please sign up to our newsletter if you would like to receive project updates: Sign up!

Usually the following activities are funded by responsible and educational tourism visitors that book llama treks and education programs that provide work and training opportunities, however due to COVID-19 global crisis this will not be possible this year, but we will keep working hard to keep local families motivated in improving their llamas and protecting our mountain ecosystems and developing our social and environmental long term goals. Please help us make this possible!! 

With your kind contribution members of the Local Guild of Llama Breeders will have access to educational and training activities that will help them access the tools, knowledge and motivation required to improve the quality of their llamas so that they can have competitive animals to provide environmentally friendly pack services to the local tourism industry and protect our fragile mountain ecosystems. 

Our team is committed to do all the necessary hard work to bring these activities to life!

Progress will be shared through our main communication channels (Instagram and Facebook Fan Page) and a final report will be sent by e-mail on December 2020. 

THANK YOU for joining and contributing to our efforts!