Llama Registry and Evaluation (+)

Activity related to the Healthy Llama Breeding Program, 1 out of 4.
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Activity: Llama Registry and Evaluation

Description: This activity allows us to continue with the systemized registry of the condition and quality of the llamas in the Urubamba Mountain Range and the selection of the best llamas for the implementation of the natural genetic improvement plan.

The activity consists of a two-day field visit of a Llama Pack Project specialist and assistant to the project’s partner high-Andean communities to work on the registry, evaluation and selection of llamas of five families members of the Guild of Llama Breeders.

Cost: Each field visit costs US$ 1,000.

Goal: Our goal is to realize at least four Llama Registry and Evaluation activities this year.

Program: The Llama Registry and Evaluation activity contributes to the Healthy Llama Breeding Program long term goals.

Program: Healthy Llama Breeding Program

The Healthy Llama Breeding Program has been created to help improve the quality of llamas owned by families living in vulnerable situations in the Urubamba Mountain Range so that their animals meet the necessary characteristics to be competitive pack animals for the tourism industry.

The llama is an animal native to the Andes mountain range, fully adapted to mountain ecosystems, making it an eco-friendly animal that has been used since ancestral times for pack labor.

The llama is also an animal that is resilient to the effects of climate change and can contribute to the family economy in various ways (fiber, fertilizer, fuel, protein).

Due to the loss of healthy breeding practices over time, llamas have deteriorated by mix breeding with alpacas, among other reasons, producing hybrid animals that do not have the ideal characteristics for packing (size, strength, health).

Currently the tourist operation in the Urubamba Mountain Range transports tourist loads during trekking excursions (backpacks, tents, food, etc.,)  with exotic animals such as the mule which, being an introduced animal, is not adapted to these fragile ecosystems, generating a negative impact (erosion and compacting of ancestral roads, contamination and reduction of natural pastures, among others).

To minimize the impact generated by tourism in the Urubamba Mountain Range and generate opportunities for labor inclusion for local families the Llama Pack Project promotes the ancestral use of llamas as pack animals.

By having good pack llamas the community members will be able to provide pack services and work in the tourism industry providing an environmentally sustainable tourism service.

The following activities help achieve the Healthy Llama Breeding Program goals:

– Animal registry and evaluation.
– Veterinary campaigns.
– Courses and trainings on healthy llama breeding.
– Community Llama Contests.
– Improved stud rotation.

Help us generate positive change! Join our efforts to improve the quality of life of llama farmers and protect our fragile mountain ecosystems.