Llama Trek Model Training (+)

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Activity: Llama Trek Model Training

Description: This activity allows us to continue with the trainings in tourism services and llama packing services for the tourism industry providing knowledge and tools to promote fair labor inclusion and the creation of environmentally responsible tourism services. Each training session includes a scholarship for 10 members of the Guild of Llama Breeders, allies of the Llama Pack Project, who will participate on a rotating basis.

The activity consists of a two-day training session in which presentations, discussions and hands-on activities will be carried out highlighting the opportunity of tourism as a tool for sustainable development, the importance of the role of the Guild in the tourism management of their communities in favor of conservation, and the operation of the Llama Trek Model as an inclusive, fair and environmentally sustainable work model.

Cost: Each Llama Trek Model Trining costs US$ 1,000.

Goal: Our goal is to implement at least four training activities this year.

Program: The Llama Trek Model Training contributes to the Sustainable Tourism Program long term goals.

Program: Sustainable Tourism

The Sustainable Tourism Program has been created to strengthen capacities and provide practical tools that allow the Guild of Llama Breeders to have access to new opportunities for fair labor inclusion in the tourism sector of the Urubamba Mountain Range and to promote their active participation in the organization of tourism in their communities to protect the fragile mountain ecosystems.

The Urubamba Mountain Range, due to its scenic beauty, is one of the most visited trekking destinations in Cusco, generating an opportunity for sustainable development for the high-Andean communities through tourism.

Currently, the tourism operation benefits a small number of community members due to the difficulty of the local population to access training opportunities and the logistical difficulties presented by access and communications challenges, which is why despite the tourism growth in the area, families are still unable to improve their quality of life.

To help improve the quality of life in the high-Andean communities of the Urubamba Mountain Range and reduce the impact generated by pack animals from the tourism industry, the Llama Pack Project seeks to promote the active participation of community members in tourism management so that they can receive more benefits providing pack services with their llamas, a native and eco-friendly animal, among other tourism services in an organized and rotating manner.

By having the necessary tools, the Guild of Llama Breeders can request travel agencies and tour operators to work under its guidelines for fair work and hire environmentally responsible services to protect the Urubamba Mountain Range, which is considered by the conservation organization ‘Conservation International’ to be a hot spot for conservation.

The following activities help achieve the Sustainable Tourism Program goals:

– Llama Trek Model Training.
– Llama Caravan of integration between communities to strengthen the Guild of Llama Breeders.
– Training in impact minimization for sustainable, responsible and regenerative tourism.
– Strengthening of capacities in tourism services.
– Training in First-Aid and evacuation of wounded in wilderness areas.

Help us generate positive change! Join our efforts to improve the quality of life of llama farmers and protect our fragile mountain ecosystems.