Community School Conservation Workshop (+)

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Activity: Community School Conservation Workshop

Description: This activity allows us to continue strengthening environmental values ​​with the children of the community schools of the Urubamba Mountain Range and the members of the Guild of Llama Breeders reinforcing their role in the management and conservation of their natural spaces.

The activity consists of an intensive workshop in which a specialist from the Llama Pack Project teamed with the school teachers will facilitate a set of dynamics, games and activities during school hours. The next day there will be a llama trek that includes the participation of parents and members of the Guild of Llama Breeders, in order to promote the exchange of experiences and local knowledge between parents and children highlighting the value of the natural and cultural landscape of their environment.

Cost: Each Community School Conservation Workshop costs US$ 1,000.

Goal: Our goal is to implement at least four Community School Workshop activities this year.

Program: The Community School Workshop contributes to the Education for Conservation Program long term goals.

Program: Education for Conservation

The Education for Conservation Program has been created to help strengthen environmental values ​​among children in the high-Andean communities and members of the Guild of Llama Breeders by providing tools and knowledge exchange to protect the fragile mountain ecosystems of the Urubamba Mountain Range.

The Urubamba Mountain Range, being part of the Tropical Andes, is considered a conservation hot spot by the conservation organization ‘Conservation International’. It hosts a great diversity of flora and fauna representative of mountain ecosystems that are highly vulnerable to climate change effects.

Currently the tourist operation in the Urubamba Mountain Range transports tourist loads during trekking excursions (backpacks, tents, food, etc.,)  with exotic animals such as the mule which, being an introduced animal, is not adapted to these fragile ecosystems, generating a negative impact (erosion and compacting of ancestral roads, contamination and reduction of natural pastures, among others).

To minimize the impact generated by tourism in the Urubamba Mountain Range and generate opportunities for labor inclusion for local families the Llama Pack Project, in addition to promoting the ancestral use of llamas as pack animals which are native and eco-friendly, promotes the valuing of natural spaces to encourage the protection of fragile mountain ecosystems and the management of tourism in a responsible and environmentally sustainable manner.

By having the necessary knowledge and tools to manage their natural areas, community members of the Guild of Llama Breeders will be able to demand and manage an environmentally sustainable and responsible tourist operation.

The following activities help achieve the Education for Conservation Program goals:

– Community school workshops.
– Native tree nursery construction and maintenance.
– Reforestation with native species.
– Outdoor education.

Help us generate positive change! Join our efforts to improve the quality of life of llama farmers and protect our fragile mountain ecosystems.